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1. 李志夫,《法華玄義研究》,台北:「中華佛教文獻編撰社」,1997年。
2. 李志夫,《摩訶止觀研究》,台北:「法鼓文化出版社」,20019月。    
李志夫,摩訶止觀之研究(IIA Study on "Maha Tsi-kuan" (Maha Shamatha-Vipashyana) (II)
8. 李志夫,妙法蓮華經玄義新解(II A New Commentary on Lotus Sutra's Shuan-yi (II)



梵文法華經寫本研究вみЬ / 戶田宏文:

Sanskrit Lotus Sutra Fragments from the Lushun Museum Collection, 1997 .

Saddharmapundarika Manuscript Fragments in the ASA Archives, Kathmadu, Nepal, in Studies in Honor of Heiz Bechert on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, Indica et Tibetca 30 Swisttal-Odendorf, 1997 .


Sanskrit Lotus Sutra Manuscript from the National Archives of Nepal (No. 4 -21), Facsimile Edition, 1998 .


Fragments of a Manuscript of the Saddharmapundarikasutra from Khadaliq, 2000 .


Sanskrit Lotus Sutra Manuscript from the National Archives of Nepal (No. 4 –21), 2001 .


Sanskrit Lotus Sutra Manuscripts from Cambridge University Library (Add. 1682 and Add. 1683) Facsimile Edition, 2002.


Note on the Kashgar Manuscript of the Saddharmapundarikasutra, ( Bibliogarphia Philologica Buddhica.Series Minor, Ⅱ), Tokyo,  The Reiyukai Library, 1977 .


A Classification of the Nepalese Manuscrips of the Saddharmapundarikasutra ,

Sanskrit Fragments of the Saddharmapundarikasutra in the National Archives Kathmandu,


The Huntington Fragment F of the Saddharmapundarikasutra,

Saddharmapundarikasutra : Central Asian Manuscripts Romanized Text(中央ヤЖヤ出土梵文法華經)


法華經化城喻品梵文ズコゆサ, Samdhayaズコゆサ—— 法華經方便品一問題


法華經方便品「五佛章」梵文ズコゆサ-- 比較研究試攷 , 法華經《普門品》梵文ズコゆサ等國際權威的研究梵文《法華經》寫本的著作。




1. 季羨林,《論梵本妙法蓮華經》,《印度古代語言論集》,北京,1982年,p.p.392-393

2. 蔣忠新編註,《民族文化宮圖書館藏梵文〈妙法蓮華經〉寫本》,北京︰中國社會科學出版社,1988年。

3. 中國天台的背景 / 演培

4. 智顗以後的天台教學 / 演培

5. 天台教觀的特質 / 慧嶽

6. 天台般若本跡論 / 曉雲

7. 南嶽思大師的緣起思想觀 / 慧嶽

8. 天台大師的四種十二因緣觀 / 慧嶽

9. 「空」之中國的理解與天台之空觀 / 張曼濤

10. 天台止觀的構成和特色 / 關口真大

11. 《法華經文句論》「無住本」 / 牟宗三

12. 初期的天臺思想 / 橫超慧日撰; 李世傑譯

13. 天臺思想的發展 / □[=]入良道撰; 李世傑譯

14. 中國佛教以《法華經》為基礎的修行方法 / 釋聖嚴

15. 天台宗在中國佛教中的地位 / 牟宗三

16. 論所謂的「喀什本梵文《法華經》寫卷」 / 楊富學

17. 天臺哲學的原理 / 李世傑

18. 《法華經》之論教化 / 釋真彬

19. 《法華經》妙莊嚴王本事品之教育觀 / 陳鐘恩

20. 《法華經》電腦化之研究 / 塚本啟祥著

21. 法華經最新英譯評介 / 鄭僧一原作; 唐龍中譯




法華經第十四章ズコゆサヰюヰЧЬ寫本中心シウサ / 三友量順

法華經寶塔品偈んペ問題點 / 清田寂雲 (わプギ ェヒゑよモ)

нЬ①иЗワみ法華經原典ズコゆサ / 清田寂雲

法華經嚴王品諸本對照ズコゆサ / 清田寂雲

On some variants in the Lotus Sutra / 小島文保 (Kojima, Bunpo)

On some Colophons(後半)of the Lotus sutra discovered in Central Asia / 小島文保 (Kojima, Bunpo)

On the Gatha of Sadaparibhuta-parivartha in the Lotus Sutra / 小島文保

羅什譯法華經寫本比擬大谷探檢隊將來本メバをゲサ / 小島文保

ヵ⑦зшみУみズプペ佛教混淆梵語研究(3)-梵文法華經寫本ズれんペ文法解釋問題(Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Studies by Computer (3): Notes on Grammatical Points in Manuscripts of the Saddharmapu.n.dariika-suutra) / 山崎守一(Yamazaki, Moriichi)

ヵ⑦зшみУみズプペ佛教混淆梵語研究(1)-佛教混淆梵語寫本研究問題點 (Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Studies by Computer (1): Problems in the Study of Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Manuscripts )/ 塚本啟祥(Tsukamoto, Keishou)

真田有美、清田寂雲︰〈нЬ①иЗワ一本〉(Petrovskij MSs.)法華經梵本研究〉,載西域文化研究會編《西域文化研究》第四︰《中央ヤЁヤ古代語文獻》,京都︰法藏館,1961,p.p.119-170


真田有美︰西域出士梵文法華經一斷簡ゆア,《印度學佛教學研究》第三卷第 1 號,1955 ,p.p. 94-97

真田有美︰大谷探險隊將來梵文佛典資料,載西域文化研究會編《西域文化研究》第四︰《中央ヤЁヤ古代語文獻》,京都︰法藏館, 1961 年,p.p. 53-71




G. M. Bongard-Levin and M. I., Vorobyeva-Desyatovskaya, Indian Texts from Central Asia (Central Asian Collection of the manuscript fund of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Academy of Sciences, USSR).Orientalia Iosephi Tucci Memoriae Dedicata Vol.1 (Serie Orientalia Roma LVI, I), ed. by G.Gnoli and L.Lanciotti, Roma, 1985, pp.168-169.

H. Kern and Bunyu Nanjio (ed.), Saddharmapundarka (Bibliotheca Buddhica X).st. Petersburg, 1908-1912.


Heinz Bechert, The importance of Central Asian Manuscript Finds for Sanskrit Philology. In: V.Raghavan (ed. ) Proceedings of the first international Sanskrit Conference Papers of Section two, part 1, New Delhi, 1975, p.319.


J. Jong, A brief history of Buddhist studies in Europe and America.Delhi, 1987, p.60.


U.Wogihara and C.Tsuchida, Saddharmapundarka-sutra romanized and revised text of the Bibliotheca Buddhica Publication, 立正大學聖語學研究室1934-1935


N.Dutt (ed.), Saddharmapundarkasutram with N.D. Mironov's Readings from Central Asian MSs. (Bibliotheca Indica, CCLXXXVI).  Calcutta,1953.


P. L.Vaidya (ed.), Saddharmapundarkasutra (Buddhist Sanskrit Texts, No.6)  Darbhanga, 1960.


G. M.Bongard-Levin and E. N. Tyomkin, New Buddhist texts from Central Asia.(Paper persented to the XXVIIIth International Congress of Orientalists),
Moscow, 1967, p.3.


G. M.Bongard-Levin and E. N. Tyomkin, Fragment of Unknown Manuscripts of Saddharmapundarika from N.F.Petrovsky Collection.Indo-Iranian Journal Vol. Ⅷ, no.4, 1965, pp.268-274.


Akira Yuyama, Supplementary Remarks on "Fragment of an Unknown        manuscripts of the Saddha rmapundarka from the N.F. Peterovsky collection" by   G.M. Bongard-Levin and E.N.Tyomkin.Indo-Iranian Journal Vol. Ⅸ, no.2,1966, pp.85-112.


Two New Fragments of the "Saddharmapundanka (Preliminary communication).

Malalasekara Commemoration Volume (ed.) by A.Wijesekera, Colombo, 1976, pp.36-37.


N.D.Mironov, A List of fragments of Brahmi MSs. belonging to Count Ohtani. Shanghai, 1923.


N.D.Mironov, Buddhist Miscellanea.Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society April 1927, pp.252-279.


Heinz Bechert, Uber die "Marburger Fragmente" des Saddharmapundarka (Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Go ttingen.             Philologisch-historischeklasse 1972,no.1.(Repr. Studies in Indo-Asian Art and CultureAch arya Raghu Vira Commemoration VolumeVol.2, New Delhi, 1973, pp.21-27.)


A.F.Rudolf Hoernle, Manuscript remains of Buddhistliterature found in Eastern Turkestan, Oxford, 1916 (Repr. Amsterdam, 1970), p.139.


Ancient Manuscripts from khotan, Journ al of the Royal Asiatic Society 1906, pp. 695 -698.


Oskar von Hinuber, A New Fragmentary GilgitManuscript of the Saddharmapundarkasutra, Tokyo, 1982.


Gilgit Buddhist Manuscript (Facsimile Edition) (Sata-Pitaka Series, Vol.X), 110, Delhi, 1959-1974.